About KPS

Kilmore Primary School is located in Sutherland Street, Kilmore; an historic rural town 58km north of Melbourne.  Kilmore is a semi- rural area comprising of small farm holdings, many new housing estates and a well established older town centre.

At present there are approximately 500 students enrolled at the school.  A team of highly motivated, professional, and dedicated staff provide a safe and caring environment, where the goal is to optimise the learning outcomes and personal growth of all students. Kilmore Primary School aims to establish a happy, safe and supportive learning environment where the welfare of all children is a high priority and is maintained as a shared responsibility of the school and the community.  Our moral purpose statement reflects this commitment:

‘Kilmore Primary School fosters a community of learners who are confident, creative and challenged to achieve their full potential within a safe, happy and supportive environment.’


Our school provides an attractive, secure and stimulating educational environment where our children are eager and excited to learn. We have state of the art facilities with a strong emphasis on flexible learning spaces which are capable of supporting a wide variety of learning styles, programs and student needs.  The school recently completed a facilities upgrade which includes a number of triple and double learning studios, administration area, art room, library, hall, dedicated ICT centre, a new BER sports stadium complex, playground area for Foundation-Grade 2, Astro Turf fitness circuit, and 3-6 playground area.  Before and after school care operates on the school site five days a week.


Policies and programs ensure a current and relevant curriculum, encompassing the Victorian Curriculum Learning Standards, professionally delivered with modern pedagogies in a high quality, whole school approach to teaching and learning.  We are dedicated to ensuring that we meet the needs of the 21st century learner and providing a personalised learning environment for our students. We strive to provide a well-rounded education which values and supports the intellectual, creative, physical and emotional development of each child.  We have a commitment to ensure that quality learning and teaching are the central focus of our learning environments. 


We offer Art, Physical Education, Performing Arts and ICT as weekly Specialist Programs. A number of additional programs encourage student participation and offer opportunities for student leadership. Junior Leadership Team, Peer Mediators, S.R.C., School Choir, School Rock Band, Life Education Van, Lunchtime Sports, Lunchtime Computers, Hip-Hop Dance Classes, Prep-Grade 6 Buddies Program, Interschool sport, Preparation For Puberty, Swimming program Prep- grade 4, school camps, incursions and excursions. 


Our strong focus on Student wellbeing is further supported by a dedicated Student Wellbeing Team including

a comprehensive School Wide Positive Behaviour Support Program compliments our student wellbeing focus, and supports our school values of being Kind, Proud and Safe. These values are further supported through explicit teaching of our Values Program throughout the year, and the use of Restorative Justice Practices when dealing with behavioural issues.